Angler Developed Simple Solution for Battery Failure
Battery failure is no stranger to Missouri angler Tom Andreas. After 30 years of hauling boats to remote Canadian lakes, Andreas got tired of ruining batteries before even having a chance to use them. “We had to drive on a bunch of bumpy, dirt roads to get to the lakes we wanted to fish, and sometimes we’d get to the lake only to discover our battery had failed.”
Ten years ago, Andreas devised a plan to fix the problem. His background as an industrial engineer went to work, “It’s hard to believe I’d have battery failure multiple times going to the same place by chance, and what I discovered was batteries were failing because of shock.”

Battery failure
Battery failure happens when the thin lead plates in the battery develop micro fractures. Once fractured, the plates rapidly degrade until total failure. This happens on roads, but more commonly materializes on the water as boats go through waves.
Andreas explains, “1G refers to gravity. At 1G a 75-pound battery has 75 pounds of pressure, but an 8-inch drop is 8 times that. This equates to 600 pounds of pressure!” Boats frequently reach 8G while driving through waves or on roads. Rough seas can easily exceed 8G.
“What we had happening to us in Canada,” he concluded, “were the lead plates in the batteries were getting destroyed by the shock riding in the aluminum boat on the bumpy roads.”

developing the batteryguard
Ten years ago, Andreas went to work and created his first prototype, and it still works today. “I’ve never had battery failure, and the pad still has not degraded.”
“We did a whole slew of drop tests.” Andreas and his team would elevate batteries at different heights, drop them on different surfaces, and rate the shock levels. On impact, they found that all the energy would come out on the x-axis in the battery. This would fracture the thin plates.

They created a pad made from an elastomer and repeated the drop tests with it. “What we discovered was the energy would be spread out evenly throughout the X, Y & Z axes. Most importantly, the damage to the batteries was nearly eliminated.” Their creation was a shock absorbing pad for batteries.
“It protected my batteries when traveling on the road, but also on the water.” Andreas has been fishing famed Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri for over 30 years. This lake is famous for its scenery, fishing, but also rough water. High winds and boat traffic can kick up wicked waves, and the BatteryGuard has saved his batteries from damage on the water. “Since installing the BatteryGuard, my batteries maintain their maximum power longer.”
Battery g-shock performace comparison

Ensuring QUality
After evaluating the reputation of several companies, Andreas reached out to Megaware KeelGuard to pitch his creation. “I know it works and will save batteries and money, but I do not have the ability to mass produce, market, or distribute it. Megaware is a company that specializes in boat protection products, and their reputation is without dispute.”
He recalls his first meeting with the owner of Megaware, Dave Shumway, “He [Shumway] was apologetic for a list of 107 questions he needed answered before investing and releasing a new product. But at the same time, he was also unapologetic. He doesn’t want anything that would tarnish the great reputation Megaware has earned. This was something that had to be done, and it was also a relief to me. It confirmed that I had contacted the right company.”
“I do not want to be the person who introduces a new product that fails. I also did not want to sacrifice the integrity of it. Dave Shumway took away those fears. He is unwilling to take shortcuts. In fact, he is committed to refining products to make them better, not cheaper.”
Installation of a BatteryGuard is ultra-easy:
- Batteries should always be restrained in a tray or saddle. Use scissors to cut the BatteryGuard to the appropriate size. Lay it under the battery.
- Lay the battery on top and secure it in place with a strap.
- Be sure the strap allows the battery to jiggle when vibrated. “You don’t want it secured so tight it won’t move, because that will eliminate its ability to absorb the shock. At the same time, it should not bounce either.”

Protect your Investment
The Megaware BatteryGuard protects all batteries exposed to shock and vibration including Deep-cycle, Lead Acid, AGM, and Lithium-Ion. Great for boats, RVs, semi trucks, heavy equipment, and off-road vehicles. Large enough for group 31 batteries, the BatteryGuard can be easily trimmed to custom shapes or sizes.
Prolong the life of your batteries by protecting them against premature failure. Get the maximum performance and longevity from your batteries and stop spending money replacing dead batteries! Protect your investment with the Megaware BatteryGuard.
